
Tuesday 25 July 2017

All about me

this term room9 is taking part of  in tuhi mai tuhi atu we created a slide to introduce ourslefs , pleas feel free to comment on my blog thank you :)

Thursday 6 July 2017

Monday 3 July 2017

Boat writing , and drawing

So it was Monday morning in Room 9.  Miss Spies was talking to the class about the America's cup, she was also telling us that America was losing for a boat race, and NZ was winning by 1 point. She said that we needed 7 points to win .Then she was telling us that we were going to do a boat race but  we are going to make it. She said  that we can only use cardboard , tin foil , scissors , and tape , . Then we got into groups of two, I had kayle in my group.

We put cardboard at the bottom and tin foil at the top but cardboard was weak against water but tin foil was waterproof.  We made it like a square , we also folded  the sides  of our boat so it looked like a raft but with folded sides .

When it was Tuesday we did the testing. Miss spies put weights on our boats in a bucket of water. We tested it out and our one lost because we put tin foil at the top , me and kayle thought that we were going to win but we didn't. Curtis and Shacon won the boat race. We saw the results on our class site and me and Kayle came second place  in the boat race. When I saw that I was petrified  because i thought that we would have come 10th place but we did not  .

WALT- organise our writing .