It was a lovely sunset in a dark shady forest I was playing my flute when some hideous rats come and shoved me to the ground like some thing that they were throwing away. I closed my eyes because they were too ugly for me to see . So i ran like a cheetah but they could not catch me they were too slow for me. I went back home and locked they door just incase if they were following me . When it was night i finished my latest invention that i made, i put a wing that was metal below my shoulder. 3 2 1 i pulled the lever then i went flying as fast as an eagle . But my wing broke . I tumbled to the ground , as that happened one more of the ugly rats came and a girl came playing the flute that they droped she played it and got the rats attention so they ran after the girl . i went to go after her because she cloude be in deep Trouble. when i found her i gave her something that i did not need .Then my wing went up and her wing went up they started to hold hands and the flew up into the dark yellowy sky when the rats were not looking . The rats broke the flute because they ran off when his wing came and whizzed through the sky like a airplane all because of the wings that they had. 
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